Yes. An account is needed to facilitate your purchases. Your account will also allow you to view details of all your orders and your credit vouchers.
You can reset your password by going to the "Log in" page and clicking on "Forgot your Password".
1. Log in to your account
2. Select the item(s) you wish to purchase
3. Select Combo before selecting the size
4. Click "Add to Cart"
5. Move your cursor to your shopping cart and click on "Pay Now"
6. Check that the value of your voucher has been deducted from your total cost
7. Choose your delivery address
8. If you have any special request for us, please leave us a message
9. Agree to the terms of service by checking on the checkbox
10. Select your preferred mode of payment.
11. If your payment is successful, you will receive an email with your invoice and purchase details.
12. If your payment is unsuccessful, please check that your information is accurate (e.g. expiry date, billing address, security code). If the details are correct but still cannot make payment, try paying with another card. If you have tried all these and are still having problems, please contact our customer service team at [email protected].
Orders cannot be changed once you have checked out your shopping cart.
Items are not reserved until payment has been made.